for teenagers

We say the world stands on the shoulders of the young. It's time to support them in realizing they are 100% responsible for their lives.

About the mentoring

One of the biggest challenges for parents is to understand and relate to their teenage children. Although as a parent you have a strong desire to support and reach out to them, you often do not know how to do this or are unsuccessful in doing so

That's where we come in, to support your teenagers in an effective and practical way to solve their biggest problem at the moment and to create their "Map of Life". It's all based on the approach that they are responsible for their own words and actions and their consequences.

"First, my son was finally able to tell us what was happening at school so we could take the first steps towards solving the problems with the teachers. He stopped doubting himself and gave up the belief that he was a loser and nothing would come of it. His mentor gave him hope and strength to solve problems. He no longer saw the situation as something that could not be solved. He stopped giving in to despair and helplessness. His confidence and strength to solve problems was boosted. He was now able to restrain himself and withdraw when his classmates were poking him."

mother of a 13 year old
"My daughter had problems with her self-image, self-respect and working with the tutor she has realised that she is responsible for her own thoughts and her own actions. Through the weekly tasks, the relationships in the family also changed. This way, the rest of the family was able to see what was wrong in our family, what was missing, what we needed to try to change."

mother of a 16 year old girl

Map of life

''Map of Life'' is a unique tool that allows your teenager to:

discover their life purpose and gain clarity and direction in their life
learn how to thrive in four core areas: health and well-being, relationships, school and career, and time management
benefit from one-to-one sessions with experienced mentors who provide customized support
gain practical skills and insights to make positive changes in your life

By creating a 'Life Map', the teenager's attitude towards himself/herself and towards his/her family, school, and hobbies improves rapidly from one meeting to the other

"I liked working with the mentor because we found a peaceful solution to every problem." - Mentorstvo Legenda za Življenje / Mentorship Legend For Life

The purpose of mentoring

With our mentoring program, your teenager will embark on a unique journey, starting to discover and realize their potential. The key is that it is the teenager who wants to improve his/her life and tackle the problems he/she has.

"I started to see things differently. For example, just because someone is angry with you doesn't mean they are angry because of you. It's possible that he has some family issues and he's getting the anger and discomfort out of his body in a way that's not O.K."

13 year old mentee

Mentoring description

Before starting the mentoring, we conduct a free 15-30 minute conversation with the teenager. The purpose of the conversation is to find out what challenges the teenager is facing, to introduce him to the way of work and to ask him if cooperation in this way suits him. Mentoring begins as soon as the teenager chooses it.

"I would recommend working with mentors. I think that it is not difficult for children and young people to open up to a mentor, because he communicates with them very respectfully, he understands them, he is also funny and communicative."

Mentoring takes place in the form of one-hour video calls once a week. During the meetings, through conversation, we discover the areas in which the teenager has challenges or problems and look at them from different angles. In this way, the teenager gets the tools to face challenges regardless of the circumstances.

"First of all, the child was finally able to trust us with what was happening at school, so that we could take the right steps to solve the problems with the teachers. He stopped doubting himself and let go of the belief that he was a loser and nothing would come of it. The mentor gave him hope and strength to solve problems. He no longer looked at the situation as something that could not be solved. He stopped giving in to discouragement and helplessness. His self-confidence and strength to solve problems rose. After being teased by his classmates, he now managed to restrain himself and retreat."

Who is the mentoring intended for:

Mentoring is intended for students in 7th, 8th and 9th grade and to all high school students

Duration of mentoring:

8 meetings - 1 hour/week

Method of mentoring:

Via video call or live

Value of mentoring:


Contact Us

Contact us

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us and together with your teenager, we will look at whether our mentoring is something that would benefit your teenager and the whole family.

Let's Support Your Teenagers